Thursday, 28 June 2007

Hello dear reader

The notes here are for the first draft of a book. I decided to start the process online because its the only way I will keep up with the rhythm, and hopefully I will be motivated to continue writing it to the end. This plan for this novel is not complete, I am giving myself room to make changes as I write and so if the plot changes or events are not aligned, keep in mind that this is a draft.

The genre is not concrete but for now it would probably be coined as chick lit.

All feedback is welcome and if you have any real life situations to share regarding the events occurring in the book, then it would be much appreciated and treated as completely confidential.

For now this blog will be updated once a week although each chapter will be edited several times during the week with some of your suggestions or experiences as well as any corrections of course.

Thank you


Onada - Fashion and Photography said...

YAY!!! A fellow writer :)

Anonymous said...

yay!!! a writer!!! in my next life i plan to be a writer.. so perhaps on ur blog i will learn a few tips to prepare me for then.. lol.. this is my roundabout way of sayin welcome to blogsville... came here from tminx's... scrolling up to read.. im sure i'll love the book...

Anonymous said...

People should read this.